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Carnegie Mellon University
Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council at CMU

Staff Council is comprised of elected representatives who work closely with university administration to address issues and develop best solutions for staff and the university community. Representatives are elected to a two-year term of service and are expected to actively engage their constituents and participate in Staff Council initiatives. Staff Council ensures that all schools and campus units are represented.

Staff Council - Nominations for At-Large Representatives 2025-2027

Are you a CMU Staff member interested in becoming a Staff Council At-Large Representative? If so, now’s the time to submit your nomination! 

Do you know a CMU Staff member that would make a great Staff Council At-Large Representative? If so, now’s the time to submit your nomination! 

Nominations are open from February 19th thru March 5th, with nominee notification planned by March 7th.

Staff Council At-Large elections will be held this Spring for a two year term effective July 2025 – June 2027.  Voting will begin early April. 

Look for an email from Ryan Freytag, Staff Council Vice-Chair with nomination details.  Additional information is available here At-Large Elections. Thank you for your interest!


CMU Take Our Children to Work - April 24, 2025

Save the Date!  Event planning is underway - be sure to check back for event details.toctwd

Food Drive thank you

CMU Annual Food Drive RESULTS

THANKING the entire campus community for participating in our 31st annual Food Drive! We truly make a difference with our drive contributions each year! Using the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank’s formula (convert dollars to pounds), adding that to our cash total, our grand total raised this year is $102,159.06!

  • Total dollars raised online: $100,161.87
  • Total lbs.: 1,597.75 (including can openers)
  • Can Openers: 569 (donated to our CMU Food Pantry)

Staff Council Information

Know your Staff Council representatives!
Inviting All CMU Staff Members to:

Important Information

Professional Development

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) leverages FocusU to provide on demand training and as a convenient tool to register for and track participation in instructor-led training sessions. FocusU provides access 24/7 access to video clips, online training, books and job aids. To assist the campus community, OHR has curated a listing of online courses focusing on a diverse set of skills and abilities.

Resources for Working Remotely

If your job duties do not allow remote work and you are 60 years old or older, or have an underlying medical condition that may put you at higher risk for complications, you should contact your HR business partner to be counseled on PTO and leave options and process.

Our Mission

The chief purpose of Staff Council is to examine matters related to all staff, and to formulate recommendations to the university administration regarding staff concerns. Staff Council representatives provide advocacy on behalf of all staff members, and contribute to the vibrancy and well‐being of the entire Carnegie Mellon community.